Sermon: In The Beginning Is A Word

In a Beginning

In today’s “Sermon for the not-necessarily-christian” I’d like to talk about your beginnings.  No, I’m not sharing about reincarnation – we’ll get back to that another time!  I’m not even talking about your birth (or new birth).  Rather I’m talking about every fresh beginning in your day – and how to start well.

I’ll then take us on to Your Gospel, and talk about the revisions of the story along the way.  Then, together, we’ll finish with a Word – your Word.

The Synoptic Gap

Matthew, Mark and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospels.  They tell essentially the same story but from three different perspectives.  Then there is a gap – like the synaptic gap between neurons in your mind.  Jumping across what I call, “The Synoptic Gap,” we come to the Gospel according to John.

This is totally different.  Same Jesus but a totally different perspective.  It’s a new paradigm.

Here’s how the story begins…

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Powerful stuff?  I think so.  Except…

For the word “was”.

It’s a totally appropriate word in the context of this passage, but Jesus is.  He was, he is, he is to come.  And that’s an exciting thought for YOU.  Why?

In Your Beginning

You are made in the image of God.  His story is Your story.  You are united to His Word.  In His beginning was the Word.  Your beginning is the same – there was a word.  This word started your story.  But it gets better: In Your Beginnings Is A Word.

That’s right, in your beginnings, there is always a word.  Everyday is a beginning for you – a moment of truth, a moment of destiny.

You could start your day with something like the beginning of the film, “Four Weddings and a Funeral” – hilarious, chaotic, with rude first words… Or you could choose your beginning.

People often say, “You haven’t changed.”  This is because they are ‘blind’ to the truth.  You have changed.  You are in the process of transformation.  And each new stage, each new chapter, each new beginning starts with a word. 

We’ll come to that word, your word, in a minute.

The Gospel of Lex

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all the Gospels according to each of these Evangelists.  They are all the Gospel of Jesus.  A “Gospel” is “Good News” or “Good Tidings” – a word from Old English “God spell”.  I like that last one; it has a magical ring to it.

Did you know that you are writing, starring in, directing (or at least co-directing), producing, and critiquing your our Gospel?

Mine, The Gospel of Lex, is being re-written as we speak.  Why?  Well, not all of it is good news… but there again, neither was Jesus’ Gospel.  The Gospel of Jesus has a happy ending.  Mine will too.

To do that, it needs a new beginning.  At the moment I’m on edition 5.2 – I’m 52 years old, so I suppose it could be chapter 50.2 or even chapter 52v12 as I’m in December.  I, however, since I’m writing the rules, like to jump to another metaphor: software.  My software, with which I write my script, my story, my gospel, is on version 5.2.

Why is this?  Well, simply because all the version before seriously needed an upgrade to be a worthy application to write the next stage of my Gospel.  Let me let you into a little secret.  I’ve released 5.2 but it is very buggy.  It’ll need a new upgrade asap; it’ll need a new beginning.

Fortunately, I’m only a month and a bit away from version 5.3 and I’m working on free updates to 5.2 as I progress along.

Actually the initial 5.2 was one of the worst releases ever.  5.0 was actually much better.  But I can engineer the new software based on the lessons learned from both earlier releases.

I need to – I need a better Gospel of Lex.

The Gospel of You

Other people might write a Gospel of You when you’ve moved on to another level of consciousness… but until then, don’t let them.  You take up the pen.  You write the story.  You make it Good News.

In Your Beginning

So, you’ll need to start with a new word – a good word.

If you knew what your word was – the word that defines you – what would it be?

I recommend playing with – write a ton of words that describe you into this software – push ‘go’ to manifest the results and notice which word or words catch your eye.  I sometimes suggest people get feed-in from other close friends in their lives, but not on this occasion.  Why?  Well, they don’t really know the real you.  They just see some observable traits and they make (mostly poor) judgments based upon those.  They don’t have enough information to really ‘get’ you.

Only you gets you.

Gospel of Lex 5-2 The Enthusiastic Eccentric

So you choose your words – and, if possible, your Word.

So What’s Your Word?

Ally McBeal

I’m a fan of Ally McBeal.  My favourite episode is when she goes to therapy with Tracy Ullman as the therapist.  Tracy challenges Ally to find her “Theme Song” – a song that defines her.  It takes some work to refine this.  Your Word will be like finding and defining your Theme Song (which is an excellent exercise to do too.)  Tracy’s one was one beginning with her name – a fortunate break!

One line I particularly like (even though the series is taking the mickey out of therapy), is where Ally has settled on the right Theme Song for her, and Tracy declares that they are making progress.  This is a “great Theme Song” that Ally has chosen… and Tracy ends with the declaration, “There is hope.”

Today is the first day

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  Cheesy but true.  And I like cheese.

Today is the first day of your new, revised version, of Your Gospel.  Even that, especially that, needs a word – a new word, or Your Word, revisited with fresh passion and enthusiasm.

Paul said the best way to manifest your manifesto was to live it – to be a “Living Epistle” – a letter that reveals the words to the World.

And So, What’s Your Word for Today?

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